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Town of Bennington, New York
County of Wyoming
905 Old Alleghany Road, Attica NY 14011
Phone: 585-591-2157
Fax: 585-591-1830

Please be aware that this website and the Town's Facebook page are not monitored 24/7. If there is a need to report an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
Town Hall Offices will be closed Mon., Feb. 17th for President's Day
To Contact Town Court, please go to their webpage under the Services section. Note: Court is now scheduled to be held starting at 5 pm on Mondays. Their phone number is 585-708-4221
The Tax Collector office hours are Mondays & Wednesdays 5 pm to 7:30 pm and Saturdays from 9 am to Noon for those who wish to pay in person.
There will be joint meetings of Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals members to discuss zoning law changes. Meeting site is Bennington Town Hall, 905 Old Alleghany Road, in Bennington Center. Scheduled meetings include Feb 20th, Mar. 6th & 20th, Apr 3 & 17th and May 1st starting at 6:30 pm.
The Town Board will hold public hearings on Wed., March 12th at 7:30 at the Town Hall for two proposed local laws: Local Law A, Extends the current moratorium on accepting applications for wind energy conversion systems for an additional six months, and Local Law B, Rescinds Local Law 1 Year 1990 that set guidelines for recycling and operations of the transfer station, which has since closed. Comments may be made at the meeting or send to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.

During winter months, please make sure that trash and recycling totes are not interfering with snow plowing operations. It is recommended that they be placed in driveway openings the morning of collection. Totes that are in the roadway beyond the extension of mail boxes are in danger of being struck and/or damaged. This will help State and Town plowing efforts to clear roads. For information on trash collection, click here for a link to the Wyoming County website page on curb-side collection.
Winter driving and parking restrictions in the Town of Bennington
Per Local Law #1, Year 1978, there is a legal parking restriction
on roads in the Town during winter months (November 1 through
April 30) from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m. to assist with snow and ice control.
Per Local Law #1, Year 1978, the following Town roads have been designated as Seasonal Use Roads and are not maintained or plowed during the period Nov 1 through Apr. 30th: Geise Road between Clinton St., and Stedman Road, Hodge Road and Graff Road from Hodge Road to Poland Hill Road.

The following two resolutions were adopted by the Wyoming County Board of Supervisors 11/12/24, which has been done annually in accordance with the NYS Ag & Markets:
Order of Protection for Deer Approved
Whereas the Wyoming County Department of Animal Control has indicated that there is a potential for unnecessary loss to the white tail deer population within the County of Wyoming due to anticipated weather conditions; now therefore
Be it Resolved, That this Board here by orders and requires that all dogs in the County of Wyoming shall be securely confined for the period November 1, 2024 through April 1, 2025, under Article 7, Section 122 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law. A dog shall not be deemed to be in violation of such order if accompanied by and under the full control of the handler.
Confinement of Dogs in Wyoming County Authorized
Be it Resolved That this Board hereby orders and requires that all dogs in the County of Wyoming shall be securely confined between sunset and one hour after sunrise for the period January 1, 2025 through Midnight, December 31, 2025, under Article 7, Section 122 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law. A dog shall not be deemed to be in violation of such order if accompanied by and under the full control of the handler.
Wyoming Co. Health Dept. Dog, Cat & Ferret Anti-Rabies Clinics:
Save time in line and pre-register at On-line registration not accepted after 12 pm the day of the evening clinics or after 12 pm the Friday before a Saturday clinic.
Sat. March 15 - 9 am to 11 am - Wyoming Co Highway Dept, 4328 Rt. 19 Rock Glen
Tues., June 3rd - 6 pm to 8 pm - Perry Village Highway Dept, 32 S. Federal Street, Perry
Thurs., June 12 th - 6 pm to 8 pm - Arcade Town Hwy Dept, 7340 Rt. 98, Arcade
Wed., July 16th - 6 pm to 8 pm - Attica Town Hwy Dept., 700 Rt. 98, Attica
Sat., Oct 4th - 9 am to 11 am - Wyoming Co Highway Dept., 4328 Rt. 19, Rock Glen
This is a free clinic for County residents; donations are accepted to off-set clinic costs. Non-residents will be charged $10 per animal. Animals must be under the control of the person accompanying them and must be 3 months of age or older Questions? Call the Health Dept at 585-786-8894.


The Town is accepting applications for full and part-time Motor Equipment Operators and Laborers. For more information, and a copy of the application, please contact Highway Supt. Jake Jensen at 585-591-2664. Aug 10 2024
The Town is accepting applications for future vacancies on a variety of Boards, as well as individuals interested in planning recreational activities programs for youth and adults. If interested, please either send a letter or email (benn-supervisor to the Town.
Residents are encouraged to patronage and support local businesses. In addition to many of the businesses you see and know throughout the Town, there are specialty businesses that operate under a Home Occupation or a Special Use Permit. A list of these business is available by clicking here. Please be aware that the businesses operate under permits granted by the Town, but we do not monitor them or endorse them by the quality of the product they provide. You can check them out by asking for references or asking your friends and neighbors for their recommendation.

Event Calendar
Events for local churches, fire companies and organizations for the year: (email your events to
Harris Corners Fire Company Calendar of Events for 2025: April 12th Annual Sportsman's Raffle 6-10 pm. June 15th Father's Day Chicken BBQ 11:30 until sold out. August 12th Firemen's Annual Picnic - Kid's Pedal Tractor Pull @ 3 pm. Tentatively October 26th Trunk or Treat Time TBD. Nov 24th to Dec 18 Letters to Santa accepted at Fire Hall or mailed c/o PO Box 121, Strykersville 14145.
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